>> Electronic Suggestion Box <<

We want to hear from you!!! Please e-mail any suggestions or comments to the club leadership at clubsuggestionbox@gmail.com.

Club Calendar

Club Officers for 2008-2009, plus Election for President-Elect

The Club officers are now in place, except for the position of President-Elect. The illustrious Kathy Black is our Faculty Advisor, and those holding positions are as follows:

President: Spencer Anderson
Vice President: Dave Bushman
Secretary: Eun Young Cho
Secretary: Amourae Riggs

An election for the position of President-Elect will be held from Monday, October 6th through Thursday, October 9th. During this academic year, the President-Elect will function as a second Vice President. Students who want to be included on the ballot for this election, please e-mail a short paragraph (consider it a miniature resume!) about yourself to uvuaccountingclub@gmail.com no later than Friday night, October 3rd. If you are a faculty member, and you feel that one of your students would do a great job as the future President of the Club, please encourage her or him to get on the ballot!

The results of the election will be announced at the UVU Accounting Club Social held on Friday, October 10th. (Details about this sweet Social are forthcoming.) Good luck!



CFO.com: Accounting News

What day(s) and time(s) of the week would be best for you to attend Club meetings?