>> Electronic Suggestion Box <<

We want to hear from you!!! Please e-mail any suggestions or comments to the club leadership at clubsuggestionbox@gmail.com.

Club Calendar

Take Our Survey for Club Meeting Day(s) and Time(s)

Please take a moment to complete the survey at the right. It will help us in determining scheduling for our club meetings. Availability of rooms of sufficient size will also factor into our decision of when to meet.

If you have any further input beyond completing this survey, please leave a comment using the comment link at the end of this post.

Thanks for your input!



Anonymous said...

I work full-time during the day and go to school Mon-Thur evenings. Monday morning might work, but other than that it would need to be on a Friday night or a Saturday, and I noticed those aren't options. I'd be curious to see if anyone else has the same circumstances and would need to pick a different time. (Sorry to be a butt! Maybe I just won't be able to do it...) cstanley at aplusbenefits dot com

Anonymous said...

I too work during the day buy have classes Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Frridays. Depending on the times, I could do those evenings before class (7pm). I didn't see Saturday which would be fine with me but I realize it's a long shot.

bradfrog said...

I just have weird class times I could do it m-w after 5:15. M/W from 2:15-3:45. I hope we can make this work for all of us.

Anonymous said...

If it was later at night like around 8 or 9 I could do that too.

CFO.com: Accounting News

What day(s) and time(s) of the week would be best for you to attend Club meetings?